Today, I have a bunch of fun errands to run in Accra. I have to look at some cars (will be buying one soon!) with a mechanic friend, do some journalistic digging (for an article I will link to here if it gets published), have fika with some Swedish friends I have reconnected with through
SVIV and then finish off with
dinner and "Varieté" at Alliance Francaise (8PM, probably a few cedis entrance fee).
Maya informed me there is now
a page that vows to collect all events in Ghana. The initiative which Ghana's Ministry for Communication and UNDP stands behind is called Aponkye - goat! I thought that was hilarious!
This type of webpage is exactly
what I was talking about. However, after a quick browse I wonder - why are many events taking place in the US?
In the pic the abovementioned goat.
I know! I was really excited about the kente festival until I realised it was in New York. It just proves that Aponkye is having the same difficulty as us, finding out what's going on in town. Hopefully once more people hear about it, there will be more contributions to the website. Here's hoping...
What is fika?
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